The Lonely Pipette : helping scientists do better science
The Lonely Pipette is a podcast where scientists share tips to help you do better science. The episodes include conversations with researchers around the world. Renaud Pourpre and Jonathan Weitzman will talk to inspiring people to learn about their habits and recommendations for all scientists. Don’t stay alone, come join The Lonely Pipette community!
The Lonely Pipette : helping scientists do better science
TLP #13 : Translating knowledge towards society - Steve Jackson
In this episode, we speak with Steve Jackson about his successful career in DNA repair and his entrepreneurial adventures translating research findings into biotech companies
- He remembers his early passion for innovation and for dark heavy rock
- He was even turned down by the University of Cambridge when he first applied
- Steve reminisces about the serendipity that led him into the DNA repair field
- How important it is to create a collaborative, cooperative and fun lab environment
- “The highs become higher… and the lows become higher”
- Steve speaks openly about the importance of honesty and trust and how he establishes his key lab values
- He tells us how he chose the names for his biotech companies and what drove him to become an entrepreneur
- A hot tip from Steve: “Never be afraid to ask for advice”
- Steve thinks it might be good not to have TOO much money in the lab
- Another hot tip “The enemy of the best is the good”
- Steve’s work has led to the treatment of tens of thousands of patients
He mentioned these labs, scientists, institutions and companies
- University of Cambridge
- Cancer Research UK (CRUK)
- Gurdon Institute
- Jean Beggs
- Robert Tjian
- Ron Lasky
- Sir John Gurdon
- KuDOS Pharmaceuticals
- Mission Therapeutics
- Adrestia Therapeutics
To find out more about Steve visit his website and look for him in the bar at meetings
To find out more about Renaud :
To find out more about Jonathan :
To learn more about the soundtrack :
Music by Amaria - Lovely Swindler
To find out more about Renaud and Jonathan :
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/LePourpre
- LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/renaudpourpre/
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/Epigenetique
- LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathanweitzman/%20
More about the soundtrack :
Music by Amaria - Lovely Swindler https://soundcloud.com/amariamusique/