The Lonely Pipette : helping scientists do better science

TLP #8 : The art of NOT planning - Oded Rechavi

Jonathan Weitzman & Renaud Pourpre Season 1 Episode 8

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In the first episode of the new year we talk to Oded Rechavi about his unusual way of doing science and new ways of sharing science.

  • He tells us about his meandering path from painting in Paris to studying epigenetics in worms
  • Oded repeatedly highlights the importance of not over-planning one’s career or path in science 
  • He stresses that it’s important to keep encountering new ideas, testing and failing and reacting with spontaneity. Like Maria-Elena told us, he says “sometimes you have to just go for it” 
  • He advises young scientists not to wait until you are completely ready but to apply for new jobs as early as you can
  • Oded has a deep commitment to challenging established dogmas
  • He tells us about why he spends so much time on Twitter and his use of the #physiologicallyrelevant hashtag
  • Oded tells us about the origins of the unusual “Woodstock of Biology” meeting

He mentions these labs and events :

To find out more about Oded visit his website or follow him on Twitter

To find out more about Renaud :

To find out more about Jonathan :

To learn more about the soundtrack :
Music by Amaria - Lovely Swindler

To find out more about Renaud and Jonathan :

More about the soundtrack :
Music by Amaria - Lovely Swindler